After we looked into the landscape of NFT collections, we came to the conclusion that only the community can decide if a collection is successful or not. So instead of optimizing our strategy to generate the most money for us, we decided to make the PixelCribs collection available at an affordable price for everyone to play with. Plus we handpicked the 420 best ones from a pool of 10,000 cribs to avoid filler content. We put lots of effort into making them and hope you enjoy owning a crib!

⛏️ Created on September 2021
📜 Contract Address: 0x80D8061c29b3035372C5217Ab2C8a6CCCFE43E19

Juan Carlos González

(Graphic designer) //↗

Sergio Almaguer

(Architectect) //


Santiago González

(Computer engineer) //↗