Cribs on

the blockchain.

It's 0.0069 ETH real estate!

Every crib is unique.

All 420 cribs were algorithmically composed.

We’re not like the others™

This project wasn’t designed to enrich its landlords.

Affordable price

Free repairs

0% interest mortgage


No Tax

No Pre-Sale

No influencers

No whitelisting

No false promises

A bright future awaits!

Projected value of virtual real estate:


Buy a crib today.

You practically live in your computer anyway...


Common questions you may have.

How did you create all these cribs?

We didn’t actually create the cribs as you see them. We carefully and manually made all the attributes that constitute a crib then blend them together with specialized software. All attributes were made following a hard layout in order to respect an area on the canvas so when you mix everything together it creates a beautiful, randomly made and unique crib.

Do all cribs have the same value?

In our eyes, yes. We set the exact same price for ALL cribs. We initially generated a pool of 10,000 cribs and then handpicked what we believed to be the best 420 cribs. We did this to avoid filler content.

How can I get one?

To own a crib you first need a browser extension wallet like MetaMask↗.


1. Load up Ethereum (ETH) into your MetaMask, using the Arbitrum chain.
2. Go to the Mint↗ page.
3. Click on 'Connect Wallet' and select the desired MetaMask account.
4. Click on the 'Mint' button and confirm the transaction in the MetaMask popup.
5. DONE!🎉

Is there a roadmap?

No. We're not gonna pretend this project will solve a problem or guarantee any kind of profit for buyers. We don't believe in the narrative of NTF projects with a major 'purpose' and a supposed 'mission', so we'll just keep it real.

How long will the cribs be available for?

In theory, the PixelCribs collection will be available forever.

Can’t afford real housing?

What are you waiting for!